Whoooop Whoooop! The man of the hour is backk. We are toasting to the triumphant year from the British Rap sensation. Early this year the MC had listeners scrambling to his trap-rap hype song 'Bruce' featuring artist Gwalla , the summer smash jam 'Humble' featuring the critically acclaimed R&B artist Chel and not forgetting the party starting flashy jingle 'LIGHT' alongside Jy Mntl and Nadia Rose. We had the privilege to grab a quick chit-chat with one of the UK's bright acts loading up through the music scene and got to know more about his latest single, the late-night, thought-provoking, R&B remedy 'No Sleep' making sure you stay awake to his infectious booming tunes and presence on the airwaves.
1. La Swave, it’s an honour to chat with you. Your back with your brand-new track No Sleep, could you tell us more about it
La Swave: Please, It’s an honour for ME to even have the opportunity to chat with you. Thank you! And yes, No Sleep! My latest single. Literally just a big vibe. Something very different from me that I’m sure people were not expecting.
2. The track is a very deep R&B, late-night drive type of song, slightly different to your previous track. What was the decision behind making this one?
La Swave: Yeah, I’ve been listening to a lot of Bino, KalanFr, Mozzy and Blxst the last few years and was curious to see how I would sound on that particular sound. I am always wanting to experiment and try new things as I just don’t want to be boxed into just being a rapper.
3. Now you've been showing up everywhere even in the summer with the very pop and lively dance gem ‘Humble’ featuring Chel and on Bruce ft Uncle Gwalla. Those records are lit. You’re like a music genre chameleon, aren’t you? haha
LaSwave: Haha yeah man, Like I said I don’t want to just be boxed into just being a rapper. Some of my fave artists have always been versatile and eclectic! And as a lover of music wouldn’t you want to at least attempt to try and make different things to show your range?

4. You have so much range as an artist and that’s very impressive. Over the recent months, you’ve returned back on stage with live shows. How does that feel to be able to perform in front of crowds again?
La Swave: It’s been so dope! I honestly have missed performing out of everything that was taken from us due to the pandemic. It’s a rush to be able to perform in front of new people who haven’t heard my music and to the familiar faces who always turn up to a show, I am performing art!

5. The music scene in the UK has been a mixture of major wins and lows, being an artist what do you like about it and what would you like to see more of?
La Swave: Collaborations man! Honestly, I think it’s important for more artists no matter how big or small to collab. I ultimately understand it’s a business but at the same time, the love of music and creating should be number 1. Possibilities are endless when 2 or more entities come together
6. Finally, we see you’re about to drop some more musical heat for our asses lol, What can the people stay ready for, maybe a late winter Christmas single or an EP next year?
La Swave: Haha unfortunately no Christmas project but keep your eyes peeled. No sleep video coming out soon. And tons of records, videos, projects coming out in 2022. Heck, might have a headline show! We’ll see!
Be sure to connect for updates and follow LaSwave online, til next time. Peace and love