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Oleta Frances flows to self-love on soulful bounce track Struggle Bus. She unlocks the song and more

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Click here to stream Struggle Bus

It's clear to hear and see all you've wanted to tune into is more R&B and if that's for you. Switch your stations to the sound of another sultry, grounding and substance filled record. Presenting singer and songwriter Oleta Frances. The British newcomer starts off the year with her latest song Struggle Bus. The song which covers the topic of relationships the desire for self-love and being where you want to be. Speaking a little bit more on this track Oleta describes that " Struggle Bus is a transparent, heartfelt single based on a previous romantic relationship that did not work out. The actual title of the single is a metaphor. The Struggle Bus means staying in a situation that is not good for your mental or physical health, on this Bus you are normally faced with two options: do I get off or stay on and continue to Struggle ".

This isn't your usual R&B joint as it's lovely to hear sound and lyrical consciousness on the topic of love and what's bigger and better in life that one is after. The production carries the lyrics with its fusion of spaced piano chords and poppy, crisp drum percussion with a stunning job with background vocals and harmonies. We can't wait to hear else is coming to your ears from Oleta who already had this tune picked on BBC Introducing Berkshire who a double spin. The creative craftswoman also released her previous offerings with her smoking covers on Instagram to popular songs like Olivia Rodrigo's Driver's License, Gideon's Heartbreak Anniversary and Cleo Sol's Still Cold in addition to the super-groove of Reggaeton record 'Picky' which was hailed by Panamanian singer Joey Montana. Oleta Frances get us the low down on her new song. 1. Oleta, it’s a wonderful number that Struggle Bus is. You presented such a catchy but very conscious record. Break it down for us. What was it like writing this?

Oleta: First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my first single - it means a lot to me. It was definitely an amazing experience, and a somewhat breakthrough, as I’ve had writer’s block for the past ten years and just resorted to creating covers instead of my own music. However, during lockdown last year, something clicked and I could finally put pen to paper which is a feeling

that I can’t explain. The lyrics came naturally to me, as I had previously gone through a very tough break-up, and writing this song actually healed my heart. I really wanted to share it with other people, as going through a break-up and learning to love yourself again is what a lot of people go through, so I decided to go onto multiple talent shows via Instagram to showcase my song. The response

I got was so overwhelming, that I knew I wanted to release this song as a single.

2. The song has deep R&B Soul elements within the production, and we love this song. How would you describe your journey towards self-love and relationships through this track?

Oleta: If I’m completely honest, my journey to self-love hasn’t been an easy ride. That’s kind of the reason why I called my song ‘Struggle Bus’ because I knew that I couldn’t sit around and feel sorry for myself for much longer, so I decided to press the breaks and learn to love myself again and put myself first. Self-love is a process, that you build up over a period of time. It’s not easy, but the best part of the process is looking back and realising how far you’ve come and the journey that you’re about to embark on. In terms of relationships, it’s what a lot of people go through - whether it’s an

amicable breakup or a toxic one, so I felt so strongly about putting out a feel-

good song to uplift people and make them aware that they aren’t alone.

3. It’s rare we hear singles like this nowadays. We are chuffed to hear more voices like yours in the music field. What’s it been like growing up within your sound. Were there any artists/groups that helped hone your specific sound so far?

Oleta: It took me a while to establish my sound, but what really helped me was listening to a range of music and using it to craft my sound and who I want to be as an artist. My influences range from Jorja Smith, Tom Misch, Loyle Carner, Cleo Sol, and Erykah Badu, as they all have their own distinctive sound which is what draws me to them as artists. Tom Misch gives you the upbeat, jazzy vibes and you’ve got Erykah Badu who just creates ‘good for the soul’ music, which is what really inspires me.

4. Now you’ve been cooking jams from early with early tracks like upbeat reggaeton banger ‘Picky’ and this new song getting double spins on radio and dubbed by Joey Montana. Could we expect a full project with songs like these?

Oleta: 100%. There are definitely a lot of elements that I’m looking forwards to adding to my next project - from Spanish to more feel-good, relatable songs! I’m definitely excited to share it with you all over the next few months, as I’ve only just got started.

5. Quickly we switch back to your latest Struggle Bus. What was is a piece of the wisdom you can share with new listeners about finding more self-love, relationships and living happier in life?

Oleta: I definitely hope that my listeners continue to know their value, not just in a relationship, but all aspects of their life. It’s so easy to get caught up in the motions of life, that we often forget to prioritise ourselves to make others happy. I would also let my listeners know that they are enough, and they always will be.

6. In conclusion, we appreciate your time to stop by and channel your music. What was next up for you in 2022, you got more bops dropping soon, any new tracks or performances in the works?

Oleta: You’ll have to stay plugged into my socials and find out! What I will say is that my EP comes out next month and I’ve definitely got some exciting gigs in the pipeline. The exciting thing is that the journey has only just begun, so I’m looking forwards to challenging myself musically and continue to heal souls through my music.

We hope you enjoyed such a potent track. To find out more and to connect with Oleta Frances follow her on Twitter and Instagram online.

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