Jimi Dean is no stranger in the music scene with his previous hit singles Off a bean and Up to something spiralling around in the underground. It's great to see the young MC back again. Now presenting his latest up-tempo banger What's Up featuring felloe Benin artist Jodie. We got to uncover the mystery behind the brand new track, what makes Jimi tick and also what he sees for the future of his career. Dean also gives an insight into how the track came about, what was like in the studio with Jodie and he also shares his advice and wisdom to upcoming creatives around the world as well as what many of his fans can look forward to from him in the upcoming months of 2024.

Stream What's Up on Spotify , Tidal and Apple Music
1) Greetings Jimi, welcome back to our platform, you’ve just released your
new single featuring Jodie .. Could you tell us more about it ?
Jimi : Hi guys, good afternoon. it’s always nice talking to you, so it’s my pleasure. it
feels good to be dropping again you know?. I’ve been out for a while now just
dealing with life, relationships, work & family , but also during that time a lot
of music was made and I’m just glad I get to start putting it out now.
2) What was the inspiration behind starting your new track?
Jimi : Well the inspiration is always the same as usual, just me trying to make good music
in my own interpretation. this particular track was one of the many tracks i &
JØDIE have made together & there’s a lot more to come.

3) You teamed up with fellow Nigerian artist Jodie. what was it like working
with him on the track, did you have an exciting studio session ?
Jimi : Jødie is actually my little brother you know?.
we’ve been making music together since forever, but we really locked in last year.
every studio session is amazing to be fair, because the process of making music is
always easy & chill, along with the chemistry we have that’s phenomenal, so we
create a lot.
4) What do you hope fans take from your new track, what do you want them
to feel or learn?
Jimi : I just want everyone that listens to the track to have a good time. it’s an amazing
song and the vibe just makes your head bop, I just think it’s a perfect kind of track
to start the year with . Play it in the car, play it with your friends, play it in the kitchen, at the gym, when you’re sad, happy, it doesn’t matter, it’s a vibe for any weather & I just
hope it helps everyone escape just a little.

5) What advice would you give upcoming creatives coming up who want to
start a career in the entertainment industry?
Jimi : maan, it’s a jungle out here, i can’t even lie about that. there’s a lot i can say
to be honest & a lot of people will tell you many things, & honestly I'm still just
finding my feet out here, but what i think you need the most personally is
determination. you just have to be as committed as you can be & no matter what &
pray to God for the best.
6) Finally, What’s coming up next from you this year, more music videos in
the works or maybe an EP or mini album ?
Jimi : A lot more content for sure. songs, music videos, all that. I've actually been
done with an EP I've been working on for a while now, but you know, there’s always
a few tweaks here and there, but it’s definitely dropping soon.
also worked on multiple projects with JØDIE that we’ll start rolling out soon,